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This shows the Smart Card in action. Your vCard is transferred to the phone just with a tap. Most iPhones (8 and above) have NFC. Most mid and upper range Android phones also have NFC but may have to be enabled from the Settings menu (swipe down from the top).
For most phones, including iPhones, the best place to tap is at the rear top of the phone. For Samsung phones, you may have to tap on the rear middle portion of the phone.

This video shows you how to Save your vCard to the Home Screen on the iPhone, and how to Share your vCard using either the Social Share or QR CODE

The recipient can of course just tap on “Save Contact” to get your contacts directly on the phone but Saving to Home Screen provides a quick way to access your vCard.

This video shows you how to use the vCard on an Android phone. It’s pretty similar to an iPhone except that the Save to Home screen option can be found on the upper right menu of the browser.

The vCard Generator Tool allows you to design your own vCard ready for hosting in this site.
Once generated you send the Zip file to us and we host it for you (visit the Shop to select the vCard package you want)